King Leon X is a huge staple for the What's Up African Movement. King Leon , in my experience of social media , could show an emcee a thing or two about what it means to utilize video promotion. Look at his amazing content and you will know why viewers all across the nation support the self anointed unapologetic Black male in all his Black humanitarian endeavors.
KLX basically released his project #BRYNH ( Best Rapper You Never Heard) without any kind of release date , Facebook post , information about this project , or anything that would lead you to believe he was working on an audio Black-tivation of this level in epic proportions. And the news swept the community and people instantly took to wanting to find out more about this very well crafted journey he takes us through. By the numbers of the initial news of this work on soundcloud King Leon X drew 445 Likes. That's quite exceptional. It's on the lines of marketing page statistics.
#BRYNH kicks off with the popular Drake instrumental Back to Back. His initial quote is telling of the very things we face in capitalist society. The testimony , the high priced things on the high shelf. He counters that very problematic observation with , if you want the things on the bigger shelves , you stand on the books you read. He opens up with shouting out the saga that followed Meek Mill and Drake pertaining to this instrumental. Lyrics like , Rap GMO yaw beef is fake , light skin versus dark skin , 12 years a slave. Tying history into the way industries stir up staged beefs to enact a public into selling records. Capturing the essence of what is a valuable piece of literature to the vibe of this beat is just marvelous.
Bars are still delivered to you in the topics for investigation as they point to what the synopsis of the Willie Lynch brainwashing is in two seconds of rhyming. You even get some very sound life advice from King Leon X when he assures you , to overcome dismay with right action and faith. KLX has a very introspective moment when he reflects on making it where he wants to be and how he views the opportunities presented to him in the bars that ensue the next gem I find in the track. Freedom. Family. Fortune. Fame. The four basics. He gives his opinion on the trivial matter of , is hip hop dead , by telling you that it hibernated.
You get some other very relative info that you can use in your life when King Leon X exclaims , "self imposed limitations are the work of satan". You know the old tale don't you? The devil is a liar. And therefore , if you are hindering yourself , you may be egging on the devil at doing it's job in the shunning of your conscience through self doubt. "Public education just perpetuates it." The meaning of this rap has so much to weigh on with the public school agendas system for manufacturing these students to go through the prison industry.
Do you have a problem with the laws of your country? KLX spits "the problem ain't the legistlation". I think the power in this sentence alone is valid enough to open up very noted discussions within our communities. "Mass deception orchestration". "The very ways the media will pull you on sides , for you may not know the designs it is intended by. "Economic suffocation". This is also a simple , but deeply rooted motive behind rich classes through the world abroad who continue to bleed our planet through their financial systems.
King Leon X dives deeper into his previous bars mentioned when he asks Black people everywhere , how long will we tolerate it? The accuracy of what he's spitting plays to tell you about the words , theories , and horrible research about population control. This is another instance of this track where in saying little , he opens up the doors for you to see the bigger issue on the surface. World hunger is caused by the war omitted upon poor people everywhere through what the corporations have done to our very food supplies , ingredients , and nutrition.
The last 8-12 bars of this song is each an individual point in something that you can research and become aware of. To become more consciously aware through the very subject matters that follows , he's rapping : Colonization through indoctrination , integration , infiltration , birth control , sterilization , vaccine , and neutralization.
I knew that a song of this magnitude would set the precedent for this entire tape. Stay tuned , we'll get into more of the content matter that King Leon X has presented through this release.